For dental providers, office managers for dental practices, billers for dental providers, and any dental staff members who want more information about AR Medicaid dental services
Benton Event Center In-Person and Virtual Event
Tuesday, Dec. 10, 1 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Medicon Conference Evaluation
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Medicaid Conference SurveyMedicaid Conference Survey
Click here to download the program agenda.
Click on the title of each presentation to download the slides.
1:00–1:30: AR Medicaid Provider Enrollment
Tyler Brickey, Manager of Provider Enrollment, Gainwell Technologies
1:30–2:00: Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS)—AR Medicaid Updates
Karen Young, Training and Program Developer, Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS), AFMC
2:00–2:30: Incorporate SHARE to Meet AR Medicaid Requirements
Anne Santifer, Director, Office of Health Information Technology (OHIT)
2:30–2:45: BREAK
2:45–3:15: Medicaid Dental Overview and Updates
Nell Smith, MA, MPH, Deputy Director, Division of Medical Services (DMS), DHS
3:15–3:45: AR Diamond Plan Deferred Compensation
Robert Jones, CRPS, Senior Vice President, Stephens, Inc.
3:45–4:15: Acentra Health—Dental Prior Authorization Overview
Kerri Brazzel, LCSW, Program Director, Acentra Health
4:15–4:30: Closing Remarks
Tabitha Kinggard, RN, Manager, Outreach Services, AFMC