
Medicaid Educational Conference

For dental providers, office managers for dental practices, billers for dental providers, and any dental staff members who want more information about AR Medicaid dental services

Benton Event Center In-Person and Virtual Event
Tuesday, Dec. 10, 1 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.



Click here to download the program agenda.

Click on the title of each presentation to download the slides.

1:00–1:30: AR Medicaid Provider Enrollment
Tyler Brickey, Manager of Provider Enrollment, Gainwell Technologies

1:30–2:00: Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS)—AR Medicaid Updates
Karen Young, Training and Program Developer, Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS), AFMC

2:00–2:30: Incorporate SHARE to Meet AR Medicaid Requirements
Anne Santifer, Director, Office of Health Information Technology (OHIT)

2:30–2:45: BREAK

2:45–3:15: Medicaid Dental Overview and Updates
Nell Smith, MA, MPH, Deputy Director, Division of Medical Services (DMS), DHS

3:15–3:45: AR Diamond Plan Deferred Compensation
Robert Jones, CRPS, Senior Vice President, Stephens, Inc.

3:45–4:15: Acentra Health—Dental Prior Authorization Overview
Kerri Brazzel, LCSW, Program Director, Acentra Health

4:15–4:30: Closing Remarks
Tabitha Kinggard, RN, Manager, Outreach Services, AFMC

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