Quality Improvement

Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol misuse is strongly associated with long-term health problems, disability, death, accident, injury, social disruption, and violence. In the United States, more than 178,000 people (approximately 120,000 men and 58,000 women) die each year from excessive alcohol use, making it the fourth-leading preventable cause of death following tobacco, poor diet and physical inactivity, and illegal drugs. Every day 32 people are killed (1 every 45 minutes) from a motor vehicle accident involving an alcohol-impaired driver.

Primary care physicians are often the only medical professionals that an at-risk drinker will encounter, placing them in a prime position to help prevent premature morbidity and mortality from alcohol use. Incorporating annual screening for alcohol misuse into primary care practices will aid in detecting risky or hazardous alcohol use before the onset of abuse, dependency, physical and social injury.

AFMC developed the Arkansas Substance Abuse Resource Guide to help you identify resources available in your county.

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Reviewed and revised February 2025

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